The Phoenix Data Project is devoted to reducing the deaths, sadness, and harm caused by COVID-19.

The Project strives to integrate a wide range of data into clear stories. With these stories we hope to motivate you to act and to convince others to act.


Our Four Most Recent Posts

For people who visit this site frequently you’ll find our newest posts here. Also don’t forget to visit the Others page where we link to articles which we find compelling.


Five Key Insights

One of the missions of The Phoenix Data Project is education and some of the actions I call for may seem radical, so let’s get on the same page about this epidemic - where it’s been and where its headed.


Our Data Interpretations

The information we think you should be paying attention to and our interpretations of it.



Our county level case tracker is here with animation. Also we’ve got a number of posts about data literacy and how to spot quality information.


How to Take Action

Thoughts and many links about the ways you can take action to help yourself and others during this pandemic.

(I could really use some help on this page. These links haven’t been updated in a while.)



The following page has lots of additional information and analysis from other sources.


Some Links for Fun

Links to Coronavirus humor that we enjoy like the XKCD web comic pictured.


About the project 

The Phoenix Data Project has been created over many sleepless nights by me, Peter Khoury, a data scientist with a P.h.D. from UC Berkeley. As the coronavirus crisis started to hit, my mind kicked into high gear trying to analyze all the data I could about this pandemic. At the same time, I was trying to stay connected to my emotions, connected to those around me, and connected to what had happened, what is happening, and what is about to happen. This website is a presentation of all my current thinking about the crisis. I hope that its existence will reduce the suffering in the world and will encourage quality facts and action to fly faster than ever.